She is Nur..she is Maziah..she is Mazies..she is every name you know about her.
First of all, warning you, this boring blog is from an ordinary not talented, not gifted, not skilled, lazy, but wanted to write writer. Well its me!Sorry for the grammar, vocab, and for everything else. Sometimes in English, sometimes Melayu, sometimes Klate and mostly mixed. I write when I feel I want to and sometimes I become Shakespeare, the other times Einstein, Scoffield, Rosberg, Beckham, Specter, etc. I tell story about myself, my interest, my trips, my favorite foods, my favorite shows, my family, my friends, my work, .... Last but not least, loves no hates..
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
End of it..finally...
Salam..meaw meaw...rasa mcm nk post sesuatu..check draftbox, ada beberapa post yg tertangguh..bukak satu rasa nk siapkan..seketika rasa cm xmampu jer siap..len kali lah smbung lagi..gatal2 bukak jgk new post tulis benda ni..hehe..bnyk benda berlaku akhir2 ini...first, i'm officially released from my scholarship contract with upm..maksudnya xpayah dtg upm pagi smpai ptg tiap2 hari lg..yeayyy...maksudnya jugak upm da xbg duit kt aku..start bln dpn kena keje xkira apa2 pn jnj dpt byr keta, rumah n sara hidup dlm masa yg sama kena dtg fac buat lab yg xsiap2 lg..xde semangat dh kawan..huhu..guys, help me okay..second?mls nk cerita..ok friends, pray for my best u =) ~mazies
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
how many months left?can u still smile??
I'm so tired..not to count my physical stress, but mentally I feel weak think the semester gonna ends soon..means, my GRF scholarship will end many labworks to finish..I need to submit thesis by September, which if I can finish my lab..If not, I need to register for next semester..Find a job as soon GRF ends because I need to pay my car loan, house rental and everything..then this week i need to go back to Kelantan because I have an appointment with my doctor..Sunday is public holiday, means, i need to stay until Monday..Sincerely if possible i don't want to go because 3 days means a lot for me..many things I can my family will come on Wednesday which the tickets I bought for them since last year..where to stay, where to go, how, when and what are everything I need to consider..on Friday will be the FYP student's draft 1 student under me that I need to settle..then a week after I need to go back again for doctor consultation..then then then..I am tired..Ya Allah, give me strength..Aminn...
So, it's about money and my masters study right? many months left???don't tell me because i already I complaining?am I sighing?whatever you think but I never regret everything that i choose..unless i'm forced to do secret is just one, smile always..guess what, I'm actually smiling now..i just need my write-up to make me smile even brighter the other day when everything done..and to know complaining is never solve your problems..haha..ya ya i know..
~Never regret to every smile and laugh you did when it can make others happy..No others of happiness than to see people you love are happy~
So, it's about money and my masters study right? many months left???don't tell me because i already I complaining?am I sighing?whatever you think but I never regret everything that i choose..unless i'm forced to do secret is just one, smile always..guess what, I'm actually smiling now..i just need my write-up to make me smile even brighter the other day when everything done..and to know complaining is never solve your problems..haha..ya ya i know..
~Never regret to every smile and laugh you did when it can make others happy..No others of happiness than to see people you love are happy~
i googled to find smile images before i decided to make my own and find this blog..nice one..follow whats good..of course Allah is the only one =)..
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
with Fafa and Zahidah to Yeen's wedding
Assalamualaikum wbt
Okay, actually xde perasaan pn nk menulis panjang tp nk bagi link je..kekeke..memandangkan fafa dh dengan bertungkus lumusnya mengarang blog beliau, mana dikesempatan ini apa kata aku bg link kesana jer..sama jer apa yg sirat dgn yg tersurat tu..sila klik di bawak okay =)
nazreen mokhtar's wedding
cuma yg nk tambah...
lps cerita sesat ke wardieburn camp tu, kami pn pulang la ke shah alam..hantar ms fafa ke klej mawar pastu balik rumah pn idah kt seksyen 7..mlm tu kami keluar dinner sama2 lg..kali ni berempat plak tmbh housemate idah yg bernama katy..tingtong2 kt kedai mkn tu fafa jmpa sedara dia nama muiz (perlu xperlu nk mention jgk..wakaka) bersama dgn sorg kawan dia yg sgt familiar namanya ditelinga ku neh dr dulu lg tp first time tgk live..xperlu detail pasal tu..keh3..
okay, mlm stay rumah idah (or yg I refer as zahidah)..berkebetulan plak dia msg betul2 aku on the way ke s.alam..thanx sgt2..bukn aku yg lupa tp almaklumlah org da kawen, selalunya weekend g jmp en hubby kan?hehe..bnyk bedtime stories berlangsung.rasa xhbs lg cerita2 kita, kesian kt housemat mu mest rasa terganggu dgn kehadirn aku yg suka mengganggu ni betul2 dh lama giler xjmp..ntah biler last jmp..adakah last jmp time mu kawen bln 6 thn lepas?lalalala..mmg xingt daa..cerita2 pasal kwn2 maahad..kt skola dulu laen..zaman kanak2 lg dh besar ni semua boleh jd kawan..pendek cerita kami warga Maahad berukhuwah smpai bila2..InsyaAllah
esok katanya nk balik pg konon2 nk g lab tp.....tido itu sgt best..xjd la maksudnya..dh tengahhari lapar g lunch, cari kedai xjmp last2 singgah sacc mall ngn idah n katy..sorry cik fafa xmengajk anda sbb xde dlm plan sebenrnya pastu konon2 nk balik rumah lps smpai rmh mengntuk lg berehat jap (paham2 sndr maksud berehat disini)..pas asar baru betul2 balik serdang, meninggalkan cekdah dok tgk running man..jgn lupa tgk apa yg aku tgl dlm external hard disk tu yer..hehe..
what a good day..thanx all for being great with you, terpanjang plak yg kata mls nk tulis td..sorry =)
Okay, actually xde perasaan pn nk menulis panjang tp nk bagi link je..kekeke..memandangkan fafa dh dengan bertungkus lumusnya mengarang blog beliau, mana dikesempatan ini apa kata aku bg link kesana jer..sama jer apa yg sirat dgn yg tersurat tu..sila klik di bawak okay =)
nazreen mokhtar's wedding
wit ms fafa =) |
cuma yg nk tambah...
lps cerita sesat ke wardieburn camp tu, kami pn pulang la ke shah alam..hantar ms fafa ke klej mawar pastu balik rumah pn idah kt seksyen 7..mlm tu kami keluar dinner sama2 lg..kali ni berempat plak tmbh housemate idah yg bernama katy..tingtong2 kt kedai mkn tu fafa jmpa sedara dia nama muiz (perlu xperlu nk mention jgk..wakaka) bersama dgn sorg kawan dia yg sgt familiar namanya ditelinga ku neh dr dulu lg tp first time tgk live..xperlu detail pasal tu..keh3..
okay, mlm stay rumah idah (or yg I refer as zahidah)..berkebetulan plak dia msg betul2 aku on the way ke s.alam..thanx sgt2..bukn aku yg lupa tp almaklumlah org da kawen, selalunya weekend g jmp en hubby kan?hehe..bnyk bedtime stories berlangsung.rasa xhbs lg cerita2 kita, kesian kt housemat mu mest rasa terganggu dgn kehadirn aku yg suka mengganggu ni betul2 dh lama giler xjmp..ntah biler last jmp..adakah last jmp time mu kawen bln 6 thn lepas?lalalala..mmg xingt daa..cerita2 pasal kwn2 maahad..kt skola dulu laen..zaman kanak2 lg dh besar ni semua boleh jd kawan..pendek cerita kami warga Maahad berukhuwah smpai bila2..InsyaAllah
esok katanya nk balik pg konon2 nk g lab tp.....tido itu sgt best..xjd la maksudnya..dh tengahhari lapar g lunch, cari kedai xjmp last2 singgah sacc mall ngn idah n katy..sorry cik fafa xmengajk anda sbb xde dlm plan sebenrnya pastu konon2 nk balik rumah lps smpai rmh mengntuk lg berehat jap (paham2 sndr maksud berehat disini)..pas asar baru betul2 balik serdang, meninggalkan cekdah dok tgk running man..jgn lupa tgk apa yg aku tgl dlm external hard disk tu yer..hehe..
what a good day..thanx all for being great with you, terpanjang plak yg kata mls nk tulis td..sorry =)
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With Zahidah |
Lots of love,
Friday, March 2, 2012
.............March 2012............................................
January was gone, February not too long now its March already..then come April, May, June, July..August..its fasting month and hari raya..then September, October, and November will come..lastly December..after that will come the so called new year again..the months running really fast right?
How should I say this..mmmmm, i am afraid..will I able to complete my master this year?i mean complete completely?finish my labwork and thesis, pass the viva (thesis defense), submit my thesis and settle everything in UPM..I want to officially to celebrate the convocation with my family..then I am master degree holder..
Because of that I'm so so afraid..
Dear March, I'll try my best to use u at my best, sincerely..i'll working hard..if possible please stay longer..I'm not ready to meet April..because I'm more afraid of May..and the next..
Miss my bobo..=) |
Friday, January 6, 2012
Bilakah korang pernah rasa tersentap?aku xtaw citer korang, tp aku rasa masanya adalah bila mendengar sesuatu tak dijangka daripada orang yang xdisangka2..apa aku nk kata, perkara dah jadi..sedih pn ada kuatkan semangat, itu yg penting..mungkin dia xbermaksud melukakan, tapi mahu menaikkan semangat..itulah yg aku harap kerana itulah yang aku rasa..InsyaAllah tahun 2012 aku akan menjadi lebih effektif dan produktif..lebih bersedia menghadapi realiti daripada angan-angan yang kurang pasti..gain their trust in me..that's the most important..respect other people around me..menyanyangi untuk lebih disayangi..akhir kata, maafkan jika aku tersilap..kerana itu hanyalah apa yang aku rasa..
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Snow again
Yeay, finally i can touch the snow again this year..more memorable because if last year im with my girlfriends, this year was with my family..hehe..lots of stories n pictures i want to share but i can't now..just suddenly i miss the moment with we all start working and studying again..hope my mum business success too..InsyaAllah
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