First of all, warning you, this boring blog is from an ordinary not talented, not gifted, not skilled, lazy, but wanted to write writer. Well its me!Sorry for the grammar, vocab, and for everything else. Sometimes in English, sometimes Melayu, sometimes Klate and mostly mixed. I write when I feel I want to and sometimes I become Shakespeare, the other times Einstein, Scoffield, Rosberg, Beckham, Specter, etc. I tell story about myself, my interest, my trips, my favorite foods, my favorite shows, my family, my friends, my work, .... Last but not least, loves no hates..

Monday, May 9, 2011

sabar dan marah


‎1) Rasulullah BERSABAR dgn jahil yg benar2 jahil tulus 2) Rasulullah MARAH betul kpd sahabat yg tak sepatutnya buat salah tapi buat kesalahn basic. 3) Rasulullah MARAH serta abaikan orang2 munafiq & jahil yg sengaja menyoal bg menimbulkan kekeliruan & provokasi. Ketiga-tiga ini ada dalil khusus, maka begitulah yg kami ikuti. Justeru, bukan dgn semua org & keadaan Rasulullah brlembut, melayan & sabar.



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